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" Winter Night in the Mountains", 1914 by the norwegian artist Harald Sohlberg (1869-1935). The National Museum shows an exhibition  by this artist from the end of September.

Major Harald Sohlberg exhibition at the National Gallery in the National Museum of Norway

Harald Sohlberg’s famously " Winter Night in the Mountains" has captivated viewers for over a century now. This autumn, the National Museum will display around sixty of the artist’s most famous paintings, in addition to a number of drawings, sketches, and prints. We invite the media to a preview in the exhibition , 27 Sept. at 11:00 a.m. To register, contact

New exhibition in the National Museum – Architecture about about the world’s most important room - The Security Council Chamber The UN Headquarters in New York, 2018 .Opens 15 June. Foto: Ivan Brodey

New book and exhibition in the National Museum about the world’s most important room - The Security Council Chamber.

Norwegian architecture, design, and works of art inform the room where some of the most critical decisions of our time are made, namely the Security Council Chamber at the UN Headquarters in Manhattan, which will now be the focus of a new book and exhibition. Advance viewing and book presentation for the press: Wednesday, 13 June, 11:00, the National Museum – Architecture, Bankplassen 3.

"Odin riding Slepner", 1899. The National museum  in Oslo shows this summer the largest presentation of the norwegian designer and painter  Gerhard Munthe in 100 years.

​Invitation to a press viewing of “Gerhard Munthe. Enchanted Design” in the National Gallery

Time: Wednesday, 6 June, 11:00 a.m. This summer, the National Gallery will be used to showcase over 230 works of design and decorative art by Gerhard Munthe (1849–1929). Munthe was one of Europe’s foremost Art Nouveau artists around 1900, and his Viking-inspired imagery and vibrant colours resonate today as well. To attend,please contact Press Manager Elise Lund (

This is from The Langaard room in The National Gallery and at the top you see the work of  Dag Erik Elgin, Balance of Painters, 2011-2012.

​Museum Work exhibition featuring Dag Erik Elgin at the National Gallery.

This summer, visitors will be treated to a surprising and somewhat unusual exhibition on the first floor of the National Gallery. Artist Dag Erik Elgin paitings will be showcased in a dialogue with some of the National Museum’s most famous works of art. The exhibition opens 25 May, and the press are invited to a preview on Wednesday, 23 May, upon request. Museum Work will run until 9 September.

Kværnerbyen, Acasa, Hille og Melbye, 4B, Tegn 3, Løvseth og Partner, OPENHOUSE Productions/Peter Broberg, 2006-2020

​ A new exhibition at the National Museum – Architecture asks: What characterizes good housing?

Do Oslo’s first-time homebuyers and other house hunters get the quality they pay for as they try to find a home of their own? Have houses and flats gone from being a home to being an investment? Do current housing policies make good housing affordable for people with normal incomes? These are some of the questions the “House Viewing” exhibition, which opened on 27 April, tries to answer.

Le Corbusier, Trois Baigneuses, 1935, © FLC/ADGAP

​Exhibition on Le Corbusier’s new direction as an artist and architect

Villa Stenersen, which is one of the National Museum’s exhibition venues, will show the exhibition “Le Corbusier by the Sea” from 5 May. The exhibition will explore Le Corbusier’s work as an artist in the period 1926–36 by presenting reproductions of his most important paintings, sketches and drawings. Press preview, 3 May, at 11 a.m. To register, send an e-mail to

Oslo School of Architecture and Design, 2000–2001, Jarmund/Vigsnæs AS Arkitekter MNAL. Photo: Nils Petter Dale

​The Grosch Medal 2018 awarded to Jarmund/Vigsnæs AS Arkitekter MNAL

The National Museum invited the press to attend the award ceremony of the Grosch Medal 2018. The ceremony took place on Thursday, 15 March at 5 p.m. at the National Museum - Architecture. In connection with the award, an exhibition of the prizewinners’ work will be shown in The Vault.

Another Generosity. Nordic Pavilion 16th International Architecture Exhibition - La Biennale di Venezia

The co-commissioners of the Nordic Pavilion at the Venice architecture biennale are proud to announce that the Finnish architect Lundén Architecture Company has been chosen to design the Nordic contribution to the 2018 International Architecture Exhibition in Venice. Another Generosity, explore new ways of often invisible interactions between the built and natural worlds.

 One of the photos which will be seen in the new exhibition "Truless Pictures"  in The National Gallery in The National Museum , "May 1", 2011, Alfredo Jaar. The exhibition opens  on 9 February.

​“Faithless Pictures” discusses the complicated relationship between image and reality over the past four decades.

Until the new National Museum opens in 2020, the National Gallery will also be showing contemporary art. The “Faithless Pictures” exhibition, set to open on 9 February. From Vibeke Tandberg and her staged portraits of herself as a young bride, Hito Steverts search for the past as brothelmodell, to Alfred Jaar’s non-photo about Osama Bin Laden’s death and Mike Bouchet’s pornofragments.

New exhibition in the National Gallery: “Restless Gestures. Works from the Hubert Looser Collection”

This summer and fall some of the most famous names in American art, will fill the National Gallery. “Restless Gestures. Works from the Hubert Looser Collection”, will show paintings, sculptures, drawings, and prints made by such as Willem de Kooning, Cy Twombly, Arshile, Agnes Martin, Ellsworth Kelly and Richard Serra. Preview 22.6 at 11 a.m. Looser will be present during this showing.

The Isle, Pfelder, 2013. Shown in the exhibition “A Place to Be: Contemporary Norwegian Architecture 2011–2016” from June 9.

Opening on 9 June, this year’s summer exhibition at the National Museum – Architecture asks the following question: What characterizes Norwegian architecture 2011–16?

The exhibition focuses on five thematic categories: “Dwelling”, “Shelter”, “Transformation”, “Recreation”, and “The heart of the city”. The various projects presented under these banners differ greatly in scope, nature, and approach, but have in common that they have been selected as the most characteristic results of contemporary Norwegian architecture over the past five years.

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